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S. No.  




Appreciate the applications of IT 

        Introduction to IT and ITeS, BPO services,  

        BPM industry in India,  

        Structure of the IT-BPM industry,  

        Applications of IT in home computing, everyday life, library, workplace, education, entertainment, communication, business, science and engineering, banking, insurance, marketing, health care, IT in the government and public service, 


-     Identify and list the various IT enabled services, Observe the application of IT in various areas. 


S. No.  





Use keyboard and mouse for data entry 

    Keyboarding Skills,  

    Types of keys on keyboard,  Numeric keypad,  

    Home keys, Guide keys,  

    Typing and deleting text,   

    Typing ergonomics,  

    Positioning of fingers on the keyboard, Allocation of keys to fingers on four different rows,   

    Pointing device – Mouse, Mouse operations. 

    Identify the keys and its use on the keyboard, 

    Demonstrate to use various keys on the keyboard, 

    Demonstrate to type the text, numbers, special character using appropriate keys on the keyboard, 

    Practice the correct typing ergonomics, 

    Practice to place fingers on correct key in four different row  of keyboard, 

    Practice various mouse operations. 


Use typing software 

    Introduction to Rapid Typing  Tutor, 

    Touch typing technique, 

    User interface of Typing Tutor, 

    Typing text and interpret results, 

    Working with lesson editor,  • Calculating typing speed, 

    Typing rhythm. 

    Identify the user interface of 

    typing tutor, 

    Practice to type text in typing tutor software and interpret the results, 

    Practice to work in lesson editor, 

    Calculate the typing speed • Practice to improve typing 

    Using typing tutor software. 







S. No.  





Create a document using a word processor 

    Introduction to word processing, 

    Word processing applications, 

    Introduction to Word  Processing tool 

    Creating a document, Parts of a Word Processor Window, 


    List the available word processing applications. 

    Introduce with the parts of the main window. 

    Change document views. 

    Start a new document. 

    Open an existing document. 

    Save a document. 

    Close a document.



Apply Editing features

    Text editing – Undo and Redo, 

    Moving and copying text, 

    Copy and Paste, 

    Selecting text, 

    Selection criteria, 

    Selecting non-consecutive text items, 

    Selecting a vertical block of 


    Find and replace option, 

    Jumping to the page number,

    Non-printing characters, 

    Checking spelling and grammar, 

    Using Synonyms and Thesaurus. 

    Editing of text in a document

    Demonstrate to use undo and redo option, 

    Use the keyboard and mouse options to select, cut, copy, paste, and move text. 

    Demonstrate to select nonconsecutive text items, vertical block of text, 

    Search and replace text in a document.

    Jump to the given page number in a document, 

    Insert non-printing characters in a         document, 

    Apply Spelling and grammar option of document.

    Demonstrate to use Synonyms and Thesaurus. 








S. No. 





Apply formatting features 

      Page style dialog

      Formatting text – Removing manual formatting, Common text formatting, Changing text case, Superscript and Subscript

      Formatting paragraph – Indenting paragraphs, Aligning paragraphs, Font colour, highlighting, and background colour, Using bullets and numbering, Assigning colour, border and background to paragraph.

      Page formatting – setting up basic page layout using styles, Inserting page break, Creating header/footer and page numbers, 

      Defining borders and backgrounds, Inserting images shapes, special characters in a document, Dividing page into columns, Formatting the shape or image. 


   Apply various text formatting options for the text, 

   Demonstrate to format paragraphs – indent/align paragraphs, assign font colour, highlighting, and background colour, 

   Assign number or bullets to the lists items 

   Demonstrate to assign colour, border and background to paragraph 

   Demonstrate the page formatting – set up basic page layout using styles, 

   Insert page break, Create header/footer and page numbers 

   Define borders and backgrounds 

   Insert images, shapes, special characters in a document 

   Divide page into columns, 

   Format the shape or image. 


Create and work with tables 

   Creating table in Word  Processor 

   Inserting row and column in a table

   Deleting rows and columns

   Splitting and merging tables 

   Deleting a table

   Copying a table 

   Moving a table. 

   Demonstrate and do the following in Word Processor: 

   Create table, 

   Insert and delete rows and column in a table, 

   Split and merge tables, 

   Delete a table, 

   Copy or move from one location to another location of document. 


Use Print Options  

   Printing options in Word Processor. 

   Print preview, 

   Controlling printing, 

   Printing all pages, single and multiple pages. 

   Demonstrate to print the document, selected pages in the document 

   Print the document with various options, 

   Preview pages before printing. 


S. No.  





Understand and apply mail merge 

      Introduction to mail merge

      Concept of data source for mail merge.

      Demonstrate to print the letters using mail merge, 

      Do the following to achieve 

      Create a main document, 

      Create the data source, 

      Enter data in the fields, 

      Merge the data source with main document, 

      Edit individual document,

      Print the merged letter, 

      Save the merged letter. 




                              UNIT 4: ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET  

S. No.  





Create a 


      Introduction to spreadsheet application 

      Starting a spreadsheet 

      Parts of a spreadsheet  

      Worksheet – Rows and Columns, Cell and Cell Address, 

      Range of cells – column range, row range, row and column range. 


      Start the spreadsheet, 

      Identify the parts of Calc, 

      Identify the rows number, column number, cell address, 

      Define the range of cell, 

      Identify row range, column range, row & column range 


Apply formula and functions in spreadsheet 

      Different types of data, 

      Entering data – Label, Values, Formula 

      Formula, how to enter formula, 

      Mathematical operators used in formulae, 

      Simple calculations using values and operators, 

      Formulae with cell addresses and operators, 

      Commonly used basic functions in a spreadsheet – SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, Count 

      Use of functions to do calculations. 

      Demonstrate to enter the           text, numeric data in a cell, 

      Identify the label, values and formula in the cell, 

      Demonstrate to enter formula in a cell, 

      Construct the formula using mathematical operators, 

      Identify formulae with cell addresses and operators, 

      Identify the correct syntax of formula, 

      Use the basic functions to perform calculations on data.



S. No.





Format data in the spreadsheet 

   Formatting tool, 

   Use of dialog boxes to format values, 

   Formatting a range of cells with decimal places, 

   Formatting a range of cells to be seen as labels, 

   Formatting of a cell range as scientific, 

   Formatting a range of cells to display times, 

   Formatting alignment of a cell range, 

   Speeding up data entry using the fill handle, 

   Uses of fill handle to copy formulae. 

   Identify the formatting tool, 

   Demonstrate to use of dialog boxes to format values, 

   Demonstrate to format range of cells with decimal places, 

   Demonstrate to format a range of cells to labels, 

   Demonstrate to format of a cell range as scientific, 

   Demonstrate to format a range of cells to display time, 

   Demonstrate to align cell data range, 

   Demonstrate to create 

   number series using fill handle, 

   Copy formula by dragging the formula using fill handle. 


Understand and apply Referencing 

Concept of referencing, 

                  Relative referencing,

                  Mixed referencing, 

                  Absolute referencing. 

   Demonstrate to use Relative referencing in spreadsheet,  • Demonstrate to use Mixed referencing in spreadsheet, 

   Demonstrate to use Absolute referencing in spreadsheet. 


Create and

insert different types of  charts in a spreadsheet 

   Importance of chart in spreadsheet

   Types of chart

   Create different types of charts supported by a spreadsheet, 

   Illustrate the example of chart in a spreadsheet. 







S. No.  





Understand features of an effective presentation 

    Concept of presentation,  

    Elements of presentation,  

    Characteristics of an effective presentation 

    Identify and list the elements of presentation, 

    List the characteristics of an effective presentation. 


Create a presentation 

      Introduction to presentation software, 

      Opening a presentation software 

      Parts of presentation window, 

      Closing a presentation 

      Creating a presentation using template, 

      Selecting slide layout, 

      Saving a presentation, 

      Running a slide show, 

      Save a presentation in PDF,  •  Closing a presentation, 

      Using Help. 

    Start the presentation application 

    various components of main  Impress window 

    Observe the different workspace views. 

    Create a new presentation using wizard. 

    Run the presentation, 

    Save the presentation, 

    Close the presentation, 

    Demonstrate to use Help in   presentation. 


Work with slides 

    Inserting a duplicate slide, 

    Inserting new slides, 

    Slide layout, 

    Copying and moving slides, 

    Deleting and renaming slides 

    Copying, moving and deleting contents of slide, 

    View a presentation, 

    Controlling the size of the view, 

    Workspace views – Normal, Outline, Notes, Slide sorter view. 

    Demonstrate to insert a new slide and duplicate slide in a presentation,  

    Change the slide layout,  

    Demonstrate to copy and move slides in the presentation, 

    Demonstrate to copy, move and delete contents of the slide, 

    Demonstrate to view a presentation in different views. 


S. No.  





Format text and apply animations 

                  Formatting toolbar, 

                  Various formatting


                  Text alignment, 

                  Bullets and numbering.

                  Custom Animation 

    Identify and list the various options in formatting toolbar, 

    Apply the appropriate formatting   option 

    Align the text in presentation, 

Apply bullets and numbering to the list items in presentation.  Apply



Create and use tables 

    Inserting       tables in presentation, 

    Entering and editing data in a table, 

    Selecting a cell, row, column, table, 

    Adjusting column width and row height, 

    Table           borders         and background 

Demonstrate the following: 

    Insert table in presentation, 

    Enter and edit data in a table, 

    Select a cell, row, column, table, 

    Adjust column width and row height, 

    Assign table borders and background. 


Insert and format image            in


    Inserting an image from a file, 

    Inserting an image from the gallery, 

    Formatting images, 

    Moving images, 

    Resizing images, 

    Rotating images,  

    Formatting using the Image toolbar, 

    Drawing graphic objects – line, shapes, 

    Grouping and un-grouping objects 

    Demonstrate to insert an image from file, gallery in presentation, 

    Apply formatting options to image in presentation, 

    Demonstrate to move, resize and rotate images, 

    Apply formatting options of Image toolbar, 

    Drawing line, shapes using graphic objects, 

    Demonstrate to group and ungroup objects. 


Work with slide master 

    Slide masters, 

    Creating the slide masters, 

    Applying the slide masters to all slide, 

    Adding transitions. 

    Create the slide masters, 

    Apply the slide masters to the 


    Add transitions to presentation. 

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